St Jude’s C of E Primary School PTA share a common goal in working together to improve the environment of the school and the surrounding area to enhance the children’s school experience.

We welcome everyone to support and take part in the many activities that we plan throughout the year; from baking cakes for the summer fair, getting dirty with some on site gardening and enjoying some of our social events.

Got an event you would like to see happen at school?  The PTA are always looking for great ideas and people to help organise them. You don't have to sign up to the PTA committee, just let us know at which event you could lend half an hour to help out.  Without continued volunteers of help we can not continue to run some events.

Though we always welcome new committee members, joining the committee is not a requirement to get involved.  Any time you can spare is always welcome, but if you are not sure what it would involve please email us on we would be delighted to chat about what we do and what is involved.

If you prefer not to be on the committee, do please come along and help with events or preparation. Would you like to help at any of our discos, for example?  Or help run a stall at a fair? Please contact us and let us know if you can spare any time at all or if you have any skills or time to offer such as helping your child’s class with a project, watering plants, gardening or helping with the various events that we organise then please get in touch. 

It is really great fun organising events and we know how much the children enjoy them from the amazing feedback we receive.  But without help from our parent community, some of the programme might not be possible.