Our School Vision and Values
A Warm Welcome to St Jude's C of E Primary School
We aim to be a faith-filled safe harbour where all are welcomed and nurtured for a lifetime of adventure, secure in God's love. We do this through our Christian values of compassion, courage, and creativity.
Our School Values of Compassion, Courage and Creativity, are drawn directly from the Christian understanding of God’s relationship with the world. They have profound significance for our relationships with each other and with God. Together they form a powerful motivation and dynamic for maturing, healing and strengthening our relationships with one another and with God – in Collective Worship and in the encounters of daily life.
Compassion - Showing empathy for the struggles of others and enabling them to make a new start.
Courage - Enduring in our commitment to what is right and true - not giving in to discouragement.
Creativity - Making use of our gifts to care for the world and create beauty within it.
We believe in providing a rich and stimulating curriculum that encourages curiosity, fosters a love of learning, and prepares our children for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. We inspire our pupils to be confident, independent learners who are eager to explore, question, and discover.
As the famous explorer Sir Francis Drake once wrote: "Disturb us, Lord, to dare more boldly, To venture on wider seas, Where storms will show your mastery; Where losing sight of land, We shall find the stars."
We embrace this spirit of adventure, encouraging our children and ourselves to step outside our comfort zones, embrace new challenges, and strive for excellence in all we do knowing we are secure and safe in God’s love.
I am proud of our school and of our children who are ambassadors for St Jude’s. I invite you to explore our website and learn more about our vibrant community. Visits to the school are warmly welcomed.
Miss Colette Pidgeon