Chair Welcome
Dear Visitor,
Welcome to the section of our website where you can find out more about the work of the Governing Board and 'Who's who'.
There are 12 people on the Governing Board (GB) including parents, members of staff, representatives from St Jude's Church and St Thomas' Cathedral, the Local Authority and our local community. We meet termly as a whole group and in between in committees. You can view the Terms of Reference for the full GB and committees using the link on the front Governors page.
Please contact us via office@st-judes.portsmouth.
Governors are part of the strategic leadership of the school and have a role to play in making sure every child gets the best possible education. One of the ways in which we do this is by challenging and supporting the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team in their leadership of the school.
Our duties include ensuring clear plans for school improvement are in place, holding the Headteacher to account and managing school resources. In addition, we are involved in key staff appointments and developing policies and procedures that meet the needs of the school. As well as making progress and achieving, we want every child to enjoy and thrive during their time at St Jude's. We help to uphold the school's Christian ethos and are closely involved with setting the vision and values which we live by as a community..
The Governing Board is interested in hearing the views of stakeholders and you are welcome to contact the Chair of Governors via the school and attend occasional open events aimed at providing parents/carers the opportunity to come and meet and talk with Governors. The details of these, when they are arranged, will be publicised on the school website, in the school newsletter or invitations will be sent out by the school.
Kathy Bacon
Chair of Governors