Breakfast/After School Club
Our mission is to make sure that children eat healthy meals whilst in school both during the day and during their wrap around care.
Our breakfast and after school clubs offer healthy snacks to all children, including fresh and dried fruit, fresh vegetables, toast, bagels, yogurts and cereals.
Fruit and vegetables, starchy foods, dairy and protein are some of the main food groups. They provide our bodies with the best nutrients. These foods will ensure children are ready for their learning throughout the day, giving them the right amount of energy.
Breakfast Club
If you would like to register for Breakfast Club, please click on the link below.
Breakfast Club Registration Regular Bookings Form
Breakfast Club Ad-hoc Bookings Form
After School Club
If you would like to register for After School Club, please click on the link below.
After School Registration Regular Bookings Form
After School Ad-hoc Bookings Form
* Please note, our Information Leaflets are currently being updated and will be available shortly *